Friday, March 30, 2007

Bad Breath (Halitosis) Causes and Treatments

By Eelynn Lee

Halitosis or bad breath is a common condition that affects up to 25% of the population in varying degrees. Halitosis is usually caused by poor mouth hygiene, mouth infection, oral disorder, food and drinks, constipation and medication. It can be cured through right diagnosis and treatments.

Breath odor is usually caused by oral bacteria and as a result, release unpleasant smell. Poor mouth hygiene, such as infrequent brushing or flossing of teeth, allows the flourish of these oral bacteria. The decayed food leftovers in the mouth and in between the teeth can cause bad odor too. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing can take away food leftovers in the mouth and in between teeth.

Oral disorder like gum problem and tooth decay can also cause halitosis. To fight bad breath caused by gums and tooth problems, consult your dentist and have the problem sorted out. Halitosis caused by mouth infection (sore mouth) and throat infections (tonsillitis and sore throat) will disappear when the infections are cured

Some experts explained that some people tend to have more bacteria concentrations in their tongue than normal which then causes bad breath. No matter how careful they are, they would still have bad breath. A regular scrapping of tongue with some special scrapper will help. Seeking a doctor's advice can be a big help in eliminating the disorder.

In addition, foods and drinks that we take through the mouth can cause bad breath. Raw garlic can leave pungent odor and may blend with breath. The same is true for alcoholic drinks and cigars. Chewing menthol-flavored gums and mints can help to sweeten breath and mask the odor.

Food allergy or intolerance can cause bad breath. Feeling bloated and full all the time as your stomach creates gas, which, withdraws in your mouth, causes the smell. The best solution is to avoid the foods that cause the allergy symptoms.

Constipation sufferers may have bad breath. Waste on bowels build up in the body can cause back production of gases which are being eliminated via breath. Bad breath caused by constipation should disappear when passing of stools becomes normal. High-fibre diet helps bowel to function regularly. Sufferers should exercise regularly and drink plenty of water.
Medication can also induce bad breath due to the presence of chemical substances in some drugs. Patients on long term medication may seek doctor's advice on whether it would possible to get a replacement drug. For patients on short term medication, chew parsley or mint to sweeten the breath seems to be a better solution.

Sleeping with open mouth also leads to bad breath. This can be observed if your breath is worst in the morning after waking up. Open mouth reduces saliva which freshens our mouth and therefore encourages bad breath to develop. If your nasal problems that cause you to breath through mouth, you need to see your physician for some sound advice.

Commercial breath-freshening products provide temporary relief since these products only mask mouth odors for a short period of time. These products do not solve the problem of bad breath. To solve the problem permanently, you need to find the cause of the halitosis and take the right treatment. Good mouth hygiene is important to keep your mouth fresh. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist. This prevents bacterial from building up in your mouth and thereby helps to reduce bad breath.

About author:
Food for Health. Food For Weight Control. Food as Medicine. Everything About Food Nutrition Such As Vital Vitamins, Dietary Minerals, Fibre, Fat and Carbohydrate.